Chiropractic Care for Babies and Little Kids?

From Facebook: Thank you for taking such great care of both our kids over time. I’m so grateful we have found a chiropractor who not only helps us, but that we trust and feel comfortable and confident in to help our children.” 

Janette, Brklyn. Prk.

Yes, we treat children of all ages. Our techniques are appropriate for their size and age- just as they are for bigger folks who have conditions that require special consideration like those with osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, hypermobility, acute/inflamed injuries, etc.

Additionally, I thought I’d pass this video news report along to you because sometimes it can be helpful to have something positive to share with friends and family who are skeptical about chiropractic care for kids.

LINK: Would You Take Your Baby to a Chiropractor?

You may also be interested to read the American Chiropractic Association Statement on Pediatric Chiropractic Care

LINK: Children and Chiropractic Care

DC's hands and baby